The easy way to create a Google+ invite for your friends
If you’re an online marketer, no doubt you’ve heard that Google+ finally opened it’s doors to it’s testing phase in the last few days. And given it launched via ‘invite only’, the question on most people’s lips seems to be how the heck do I get in there! So far it seems that many of the tech industry were amongst the chosen few, along with randomly selected google accounts. And once you were on the inside, you could easily invite others until google decided that due to ‘insane demand’ they had to shut the process down! While some are already accusing the company of hype, I’d say the fact that just one of their Google+ Youtube videos has almost 2 million views in less than a week is a good indication that the demand is real.
How do I get a Google+ invite?
Ok first up you need to know someone who already has an account :-) Then just get them to follow the steps below or send them the link to this post.
STEP 1. Click on what’s known as the circles tab up the top of the page.
STEP 2. Once on the circles page you’ll see that as well as some predefined Google+ circles, you have the option of creating your own. Click to create a new circle.
STEP 3. Give your circle a name and then click on ‘Add a new person’. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite into Google+. You’ll also want to add one of your own email adresses to this circle and I’ll get to why in a minute. Note:When I was testing this, any email address that was linked to my google profile didn’t work. So make sure you use an email addy that isn’t associated with your google accounts.
STEP 4. Now it’s time to share with your circle. What happens here is once you share an update with your circle, anyone who doesn’t have a Google+account will be notified via email. It’s in that email that they’ll receive a link to get in!
Another way to get a direct invite link to share with friends who aren’t on Google+
In step 3 I mentioned to make sure you include one of your own email addresses in your circle and here’s why… Once the email arrives notifying you of your own update, the link down the bottom that says Learn more about Google+is a link you can share with anyone. How cool is that! I just tested this with a friend today whose email address wasn’t included in my test circle and the link in my own email worked to get him in.
Be patient with the process as I initially thought my 3 tests had failed. I didn’t receive the email above until nearly 13 hours later! And then another email that I included in the test arrived another 2 hours after that. Google’s servers are apparently overloaded which might explain the delay. But for now, not only will this give you a way in, you’ll now have a direct link to share with friends. I’d be careful about over sharing the direct link as who knows what Google might do if 100 people suddenly join through the one link.
UPDATE: I just tested this again and it looks like the link you receive by adding your own email address to your circle will only work with one person. So if you want to invite 5 people, you’ll need 5 different email addresses to use.
I hope you enjoy Google + and if you have any questions or comments, just leave them below and I’ll be sure to answer them. Oh and although it seems hilarous to say this, don’t forget to share this post with your freinds on Facebook :)

Doesn’t work any more :(
Hey Ben,
Which part didn’t work for you?
It took me nearly 13 hours to get the invite link.
can yu give a try wth me all others have failed :(
Hey Craig,
Did you follow the instructions in the post?
I have another friend who just got in via the email link I created 5 minutes ago.
Whilst all other loopholes appear to have been shut down, this is still working as of today’s date :)
Hey Michaele, thanks for getting me in :) I’m having a ball inside Google + working it all out.
Hey Pete,
Awesome! Noticed you were first cab of the rank with creating cool “How to import FB friends tutorials’
Looking forward to hanging out in Circles and all these groovy new places etc :)
Wow Thank you very much Michaele your above method of getting in to the new Google+ social network site truly works really well, highly recommend others to try and give it ago this google+ loophole is a true masterpiece.
Hi Brian,
So glad it worked and you’re in! l’m looking forward to hanging out with you :)
Thanks for the feedback regarding that you were using Chrome. I just saw on the G+ site that you need the latest version of either Chrome, IE, Safari or Firefox. Interesting as I’m using Rockmelt without any problems.
For anyone else reading this post, out of the test circles I did last night using my own email addresses, one arrived within minutes (which I was able to use to get a friend in) and the other one turned up 18 hours later. So even though you might send to everyone in the test circle at the same time, they don’t all arrive at the same time.
Would you mind sending me an invite, the others I received last week only take me to the goolge page that says they aren’t accepting new invites.
Hi Yvonne,
I’ll set up a new circle to create invites for commenters here. Just leave me your email address with (at) instead of (@).
Dear Michaele thanks for this G+ invite
I am still having problem getting in,
please help.
Hi Jerry,
I’m happy to try and help but I need some clear details on the problem you are having.
Did you have someone follow the steps above?
Would you be willing to send me an invite so I can try this out and get some of my other friends in on google+ thanks
Hi Keith,
Invites are still closed even for people inside G+.
Leave me your email minus the (2) and I’ll create another circle to generate them.
Hey all,
Can someone invite me?
Hi John,
The invite button inside Google+ has closed. I just tested it.
I can invite you by creating a new test circle following the steps in the post.
Just leave me your email addy without the @ sign.
Can you spare me a google+ link?
Hi Danda,
I can’t share the links I’ve generated through my email addresses here on my blog. That would take the link out of my control and might even get my account shut down.
If you leave me your email address without the (@), I’ll include you in a circle which should generate a link for you.
Hi Michaele,
Can you send me an invite please? I am ready to play in a circle =)
Hi Tyler,
When I last checked today, the invite tab was closed.
I will invite you via a circle if you leave your email addy without the (@) sign in it :)
Someone shared an article with me but when I click learn more about google+ I get a message telling me its in limited release and if I was invited they temp. exceeded cpapacity – any ideas?
Thanks so much!
Hey Matt,
Yes thats a standard message most people are receiving atm.
If it’s a link that somebody personally generated for you, keep trying. People are getting in but you need to be patient :)
Hi Michaele,
I did exactly like what you wrote in this post and it worked, but somehow not all invites created equal. Some got it and some aren’t so lucky.
Btw I see that you’re doing MLM, I’m a web developer and have couple of prospects wants me to help them to build a site for MLM purposes. I would love to have you on my G+ circle or FB, would love to hear your advice regarding this.
Thanks :)
Hey Satria,
Great to see the instructions worked for you! And yes you are correct as not all invites are created equally.
My test last night using my own email addresses (so I had links to give to friends) generated 1 straight away, and the other arrived 18 hours later!
I just created a new test circle an hour ago and all 6 arrived immediately. Fun and games :)
Happy to chat to you about the site you’re developing. You can connect with me on FB via the buttons on this blog or look me up on Google+
Thanks for stopping by.
Hey Michaelé,
Could you send me the link as well. My friend tried the process you listed above with me and it didn’t work… I am not sure if he was doing something wrong, but following the link just brought me to a landing page saying Google+ is not open to public or something like that.
Maybe your sending the link will do the trick for me. Thanks!
Hey Adnan,
Invite sent. Let me know how you go.
I would love a G+ invite. Thanks!
Glad to hear your friend got you through the invite system :)
Hi, I’d love a loophole invite if you can manage it :). Do you want me to include my email address (less the @) in another reply to this post?
Keep up the good work!
Hi Shane,
An email is on it’s way to you :)
Hi Michaele! Any chance bbrown16 could get an invite?
Hi Brett,
Google+ invite is on it’s way! Let me know if you receive it.
Hello Michaele,
I would appreciate an invite to G+.
Thank you,
ZenPositive at gmail
Hello Bruce,
Appreciate you correctly formatting your email addy as I don’t want to see my commenters being spammed!
That said, your invite is on its way :)
Thank you,
I received my invite. I’m just waiting for them to allow more to sign-up.
Hope to see you in G+ soon!
Hey Bruce,
What message did you receive? I thought they re opened the doors to invites without the need for a loophole today.
Let me know as I have a direct link I can provide you with. I’m down to my last 2 though!
When I click on the link, I get a message that reads: “Already invited? We’ve temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon.”
after I sign in.
My invite went through! Thanks again!
I’ll see you on G+,
Hi Bruce,
You’re welcome & thanks for letting me know. They’ve sure had a few bugs with invites but glad to see yours is though.
See you in there :)
Hi Michaele,I don’t have any friends in google+…I hope u’r my next friend…plz send me 1 request at (I deleted email addy to protect you) I read 1 more techiche abt this invite loophole….it’s like u have to write something on u’r wall n then click on share button…then share it with email address u wanna invite!! Plzzz…send me 1 invite :)
Hey Nick,
Correct re needing to share an update on your profile and then share with the circle you created that you want to invite into Google+.
As of today, they have re enabled the invite button (not sure for how long) so I have sent one to you.
Let me know when you receive it :)
P.S. I deleted your last comment that exposed your email address to protect you from potential spam. My blog community is important to me!
Just wanted to let you know why it wasn’t published.
Can I please get an invite or some help using one I’ve gotten? I got one this morning from someone adding me to a circle and posting. I clicked to view it and then clicked join google+ but it keeps showing me the limited test message even though I keep trying
Oh and tutsumi at
Hi Michael,
The invite is on it’s way. If you receive any messages re capacity, just try back a little later.
thnk u frm d bottom of my heart…michaele!!!i received a invitation of google+….bt when i loggged in sadly it said “This feature is not available for your account.
You must be over a certain age to use this feature.”{but when we create a gmail acccount it never ask’s 4 AGE)…i think i’ll have to create another account wid age 18 n above lol i’m 17 now!!:P…k if u don’t mind send n invite at nick.nikhilwani4u(at)!!let’s see weather google has any problem wid my age:(…or i’m d unluckiest person in d world..!!help if u know anything abt this new AGE thing :)
Nikhil – I understand slang, emoticons, ebonics, etc. but your short hand is OUT OF CONTROL.
I’m not aware of any (over 18) age restrictions that would cause this.
Either way there is a new google+ invite on its way to you.
Good luck!
Hi Michaele,
Can you please send me an invite? My friend tried it but of no avail. I would really appreciate if you can send me one. Thank you, thank you :)
Have a wonderful day.
Hi Sentil,
Your invite is on its way! Let me know when you make it inside.
Can you send me an invite…
jeffrey dot jeffrey 25 at gmail dot com
curios to see if this still works…thanks…
Jeff it’s on its way.
Let me know how you go.
I tried getting in using the invite you sent but unfortunately that did not work…keep getting the we are in limited trial…page
I just got in…..I guess its all about keepin at it….
thanks so much…and hope to see you around :)
Awesome Jeff! Yep it’s all about keeping at it.
Most people that had trouble with invites yesterday seem to be in today.
yeah i read somewhere that they opened the field trial for a little while today….guess I just got lucky and got in…..
first impressions….Google+ looks good…
Yes you were lucky as they’ve just removed the invite button again!
I agree, so far it looks good…
Can you please send me an invite?
zilinamartin at gmail
Your invite has just been sent :)
i would like to have one! =)
claynec (@ )gmail dot com
thank you =]
Just updated your comment to protect you from spammers.
Your invite is on its way.
I would greatly appreciate an invite. I noticed you said you deleted someone elses post because it contained their email. I am creating this post so you can let me know if you do the same. Thank you.
Hi Jason,
Yes that’s correct, I’m deleting or editing comments that expose their email addys.
I deleted your last comment but I have your email so the invite is on its way.
Hi I am really anxious to get on Google+ and give it a go can you please send me an invite to (email deleted) i would greatly appreciate it and help others as well.
I’ve deleted your email to protect you from spam!
Awesome to hear your willingness to help others :) You have an invite on its way.
Thanks for the invite, Michaele it takes me to the page that says to keep me posted. Do you know if i have to wait for it to open up again or should it have worked?
A great Post Michaele,
lots of great information on the New Google +
I think it is going to be fantastic when it gets going.
I would love an invite if there are still some available.
Hey Jean,
Yeah so far the features are awesome and the privacy functions are a breath of fresh air.
It will be interesting to see how it develops from a business and marketing stand point.
Your invite has been sent but if it doesn’t arrive in a timely fashion, Skype me as I have 2 direct links left (just in case they close the doors again).
Great to see you here xo
can u send an invite at techoverdose.nlw(at)…wanna check weather it is really a facebook killer??..:)
That’s seems to be the question on everyone’s lips. Either way it’s not going to happen overnight!
You have a G+ invite on the way.
Do you think you’d be able to send a direct link please, i’d really appreciate it. It seems the doors have closed on it for now.
Hey Cris,
It looks like they’ve closed the doors yet again!
While most people were getting in straight away, I’ve had one report tonight of someone hitting the “we are at capacity message”.
Either keep trying or check in with me on FB and I will test a direct link with you.
Thanks i’ve sent you a request on FB, i’ve been trying to see if it would go through for hours now.
Hey Cris,
Got the FB request! PM me there is you’re still not in.
This is awesome! dying to get in! is it still working? I’d love an invite! scottschmidt21(at)
They’ve just taken the invite button down again!
I’ve sent you an invite via the Circle method in my post.
Let me know if it arrives.
Hi, can I please ask you to send a google+ invite to my mail.
hydhox (at) yah00 (dot) (com)mercial
Thank you.
Your invite has been sent :)
Can someone invite me to GOOGLE+
I am a hardcore social media fan and looking to get on Google+ as early as possible. I’m starting a social media marketing company and this will give me a good edge on my competitors. Thanks in advance. My email is (removed) I do not mind spam, lol, i have good blocker! (or delete after invitation, pls)
Take care!
Your invite is on its way.
I removed your email addy as I don’t want to encourage others to do the same.
It’s for everyone’s protection!
I’ve talked to a lot of my friends just to get an invite. I haven’t got any. Would you please help me to get in?
please? pretty please? :)
thank you! :)
Hey Alden,
You’re in luck! The Google+ invite button has been restored which makes it so much easier than using a loophole.
Yours is on its way. Have fun in there :)
There! I just got in! Thank you so much Michaela. I owe you bigtime! :)
Awesome blog!
Wow Alden that was super fast!
Glad to help and enjoy your time in there :)
If people are still giving out invites I’d be very appreciative if they sent one my way ;) Gappology(at)
Not sure if ‘people’ are giving out invites but I have sent you one :)
Hey, i would really appreciate one. thank you for helping everyone out!!!
(email removed by Editor)
Hey Sharon,
That’s an interesting email addy you chose! I almost didn’t send an invite based on the username but I decided to send one anyway!
Hi, can i get an invite please
Your invite should be there by now :)
wow…. thank you so much michaele :)
You’re welcome Glen.
Have fun in there :)
Hey, doesnt’t work for me either :( I’d so love to join google+. Would you invite me, too? max.(email removed)
I’d appreciate it soo much!
Hey Max,
Not sure what you mean by it didn’t work for you as it only works if you already have a google account.
Since you don’t, there is no chance of being able to follow what I posted!
Either way, an invite was sent to you 2 days ago :)
I have tried it and it worked at last. Just need to follow the instructions you provided. Glad you were able to share this after many trials so that we wont commit the same mistake and time to finally add friends. My friend is a member and he suggested that we can also add friends by clicking on one sidebar the says “invite people to join Google+”. This also very effective.
Nice one John!
And yes the invite button on the right hand side is now up and running again.
Have fun in there.
What I know is Google+ is a new social media site from google. Its quite new and I have a little confusion at first. Especially adding invites to the circle of friends. Luckily, I found your post and as I read it through, I found some informative stuff that will help me to appreciate Google+ more. Your tips are really quite amazing, it worked for me the way you mentioned it. I’ve also shared this to my friends so they will be able to send invites too.
Thanks Michaele for your tips. Hope to hear more from you …
Glad you enjoyed the post Steve!
Do you still check your G+ account? I do rarely, I don’t know much of the people that include me in their circles. Btw, nice walk through post!
Hey Sanjay,
I must admit I haven’t been active with posting in G+ as it hasn’t been one of my core marketing focuses right now.
Glad you enjoyed the walkthrough and I appreciate your feedback.
I would like to join!
Please add nekoyanagichan [at] gmail [dot] com.
Hi Rui,
You should have an invite there now. Enjoy!
If possible, can you let me join? My email is kisa.trinity at
Check your gmail account, there should be one waiting for you :)
I got it this morning! Thank you so much!
You’re welcome! Have fun in there!
Thanks Michaele for this great post!
Well i try adding my google+ friends to my circles by just dragging them from the list to my newly created circle ,although it doesn’t work with google+ pages .