How to quickly cultivate a leadership mindset to fast-track the success of every new person you sponsor.
While it’s common knowledge that 97% of people who join a Network Marketing company fail, even fewer go on to become leaders. There is a solution and I don’t think it’s talked about as early in the sponsoring process as it could be.
If someone puts their hand up and says they’re ready to ‘go for it’, they need to know that there are key traits that leaders in this industry have that set them apart from the masses.
Although there are many qualities that leaders have, there is one habit that successful MLM leaders adopt that literally ensures they become an attraction magnet.
Network marketing leaders are the ones who are willing to go and specialize in a skill that the huge majority of people are either unwilling, or too lazy to master.
If you are a leader in Network Marketing, no doubt you’ve had your share of followers who say they wish they could master a particular skill that you have. While it might be great to have admirers, how often do we tell someone new in our team to go and master or specialize in a skill that we don’t have.
Or even worse, how often do we ignore or not take the time to find out a new persons existing skills. E.g they are brand new to MLM but have a background in copy writing or Photo Shop. While this may not sound like much on the surface, how about if you found out that due to Joe Newbie’s copy writing skills, every ad your team published pulled in more leads than the competition…
In the past, I spent a lot of my time coaching people on how to learn the same skills that I had. I’ve since learned, it makes more sense to have been encouraging people to specialize in and develop skills that are unique to their own talents.
If I am teaching people to duplicate my skills, how do they shine and become leaders in their own right?
Well essentially they don’t, they just become a ‘mini me’. I’m not talking about the fundamentals that everyone needs to learn when starting out, I’m talking about learning valuable skills that the majority won’t take the time to learn.
Specialized skill sets are what separates leaders from the crowd and the fastest way to increase the number of people that follow you, is to go and increase the value you have to offer others. The more valuable you become the more people will naturally be attracted to you.
Apply your value to your marketing system and you’re 90% ahead of the crowd already.
Three points that should be taught to fast track the leadership mindset with every new person you sponsor:
- Market yourself: Learn skills that the average person won’t. Become the ‘go to’ person for something in your niche.
- Market your system: If you want to stand out from the crowd rather than blend in with the masses, don’t use your companies generic system. Get creative and develop a system that people are chasing you down to be a part of.
- Market your company: Get your belief levels up to a 10 out of 10 asap. Go to live events and get the social proof you need to be genuinely proud of and passionate about the company you’ve chosen.
If you’re looking for a way to start standing out, the first thing you need is a platform that allows you to begin sharing your value with the world. The most powerful tool I know of, is starting your own WordPress blog. Once you have this in place, it becomes your very own valuable piece of real estate on the internet. And it’s an incredible avenue for sharing what you’re most passionate about!
How about you, do you encourage your team to start standing out?
I would love to hear what kind of skills you encourage your team to develop in the comments below.

Wow! Michaele,
Another spot-on post. You’ll raise a few eyebrows when people read that they should, “Get creative and develop a system that people are chasing you down to be a part of.”
So many “Gurus” convince their downline that their system is the only one. By doing so they stifle creativity in order to collect the monthly fee to use the system.
I’m 100% with you…Creativity Rocks.
This article was really timely for me. My hubby and I were just discussing last night how often in MLMs they try to take duplication to the extreme. We want duplication of the business model and people skills but that doesn’t have to include everything down to the underwear! We need to understand that it takes all types, in the business, to bring in people that we ourselves couldn’t sponsor. Just because someone saw the business model from us today and didn’t get in, doesn’t mean that when shown the same model, in approximately the same way, from someone that they feel is more like them (the magic of rapport)!
.-= Kimberly Castleberry´s last blog ..Inspirational Moment: You Make Your Own Worth =-.
That’s so true Kim re the magic of rapport! It’s so important to understand that in most cases people are joining ‘you’ in business rather than joining an opportunity. That’s why I don’t get why people spam their opportunity links, as ultimately they are destroying their ability to create what could have been a powerful relationship.
Oh and great point on taking duplication to the extreme. Something that can’t be duplicated is a person’s own uniqueness! I’d love to see more emphasis on this in marketing systems. E.g. encouraging people to stand out more by marketing their own unique strengths.
Hi Michaele
What a wonderful post – and as Kim (above) said, “Spot on”.
We all bring our unique personalities to anything we do and with that, obviously, skills.
It would be boring old world if we were all the same now, wouldn’t it?
One of my favourite quotes that is relevant to this post, is:
“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else”. ~ Judy Garland ~
Keep up the great work!
~ Kylie ~
.-= Kylie Doak´s last blog ..Do You Make The Effort To Remember Names? =-.
Hi Kylie,
I love that quote. It fits in perfectly with a conversation I had recently about ‘people’ not being duplicatable.
I can’t wait for someone to come up with a duplicatable marketing system in MLM that allows uniqueness and personality to shine through.
Here’s to hoping some amazingly creative, tech savvy, personality laden geek finds this comment lol.
This is so great and so comprehensive! This makes so much sense to allow people to hone in on their own specialized skills. Duplication isn’t always the key as I once thought it was. Great post!
.-= Robin Lynn Brooks´s last blog ..Failure Inspires Success & Courage =-.
Hey Robin,
I guess duplication is key if we all had the same skills to duplicate! What I’ve discovered that is really awesome, is that we each have unique talents that can’t always be duplicated.
But it’s those unique talents within each of us, that allow us to duplicate one thing.. That is, standing out from the crowd!
Great words and timely message my friend. You always deliver good solid content that we can use in our industry. Thank you for sharing.
.-= Krista Abbott´s last blog ..The Power of Perspective =-.
Thank you for being such a wonderful cheerleader :)
Hi Michaele. Thanks for your wonderful advice. I am a Network Marketer from India. Really I needed this article. May be I was promoting this “duplication” staff too much in my team. Thanks to you, I will encourage CREATIVITY more.
Awesome to see you here! I used to concentrate on improving weaknesses until I came across an amazing article by Eban Pagan.
It made a lot of sense and taught me a lot about how much more productive it was to concentrate of people’s strengths.