Network Marketing From The ‘Inside’ Out – Finding Hope From Prison

One of the things I’ve always loved about Network Marketing, is that it leaves no stone unturned when it comes to personal growth. In this post I’m sharing a real life story that started last year and continues to be one of the most inspiring learning curves I’ve encountered so far…. We all keep regular … Read more

How To Create A Raving Tribe Of Cheerleaders Begging To Syndicate YOUR Content

Have you noticed there’s a ‘tribal’ buzz happening out there on the Social Networking sites lately? If you haven’t, I’m going to sum up the benefits in one short sentence… Put simply, having your own Social Media Tribe = A massive amount of free traffic and eyeballs on your content. Unless you’ve been online for … Read more

How To Not Lose Credibility On The Social Media Sites

Welcome to the latest and most ineffective way to build your Network Marketing business! Have you ever walked up to a complete stranger, asked for their Twitter and Facebook profiles, waited politely for 5 minutes and then started shouting at them? If you ever feel tempted, please give me a call first so I can … Read more

Social Media, Are You Ready For The Future?

2010 is almost here and yet so many online marketers haven’t tapped into the power of Social Media Perhaps it’s fear or they still think it’s a fad, yet this is one of the most powerful relationship building mediums to ever hit the internet. If you aren’t yet using Social Media in your online marketing, … Read more

Increase Your Online Trust Factor With A Gravatar!

Discover the benefits having a Gravatar makes to your marketing efforts A few days ago, I was having a conversation with a friend about Blog comments and I mentioned Gravatars. His reply: “What the heck is a Gravatar!” Well I’m glad he asked, because it reminded me that a few months ago I didn’t know … Read more

How To Use Twitter “Follow Friday” Effectively

You might have heard of Follow Friday or even seen the #FollowFriday hashtag flying about the Twittosphere, anywhere from Thursday through to Sunday, but did you know there is such a thing as #FF etiquette? Follow Friday started with one tweet by @Micah in mid January which read:  “I am starting Follow Fridays”.  “Every Friday, … Read more

Is Social Media Your Solution To Network Marketing Success?

Social Media has literally changed the Network Marketing industry for ever and you definitely don’t want to miss out. So lets talk about Social Media, why it’s important to start using it now and what benefits it has to offer Network Marketers. Social Networking through the Internet, offers one of the most powerful solutions to … Read more

How to Adopt the Habits of Highly Effective Network Marketing Leaders

How to quickly cultivate a leadership mindset to fast-track the success of every new person you sponsor. While it’s common knowledge that 97% of people who join a Network Marketing company fail, even fewer go on to become leaders. There is a solution and I don’t think it’s talked about as early in the sponsoring process … Read more

Useful Tips For Network Marketers On How Not To Become A Total Twitter Twit!

1. Attraction: What will initially attract followers are your tweets.So go post at least 5 to 10 updates before you go following anyone.We don’t want your new followers turning up to a blank page!Interestingly you will still get followers if your page is blank but they are probably the kinda followers you want to steer … Read more